About Us
The people behind One Green Apple are like you – passionate advocates for effective school-family partnerships that benefit students in helping them realize their potential.
Experience matters
We’re also seasoned business leaders and hands-on “doers” who are personally committed to ensuring that One Green Apple’s solutions deliver on their promise. Our collective experience is in developing patented, data-driven information management technologies, working directly with educators and administrators, and having a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist in PreK-12 education today.
Partnerships that count
We work with industry veterans representing the very best thinking in strategic advising, public policy, thought leadership, education grantmaking, and advocacy, as well as local and state government leaders. Their insights, guidance, and support are invaluable as we work together to support teachers and enhance parents’ understanding of how well their children are doing in school.
“We offer schools and families dynamic, effective, visual tools to foster communication while supporting and measuring the engagement strategies that work best in their communities.”
Meet the team
Joseph Fratoni
President & CEO