
Improving student success and fortifying the broader school community with OPUS℠.

With its focus on learning, OPUS facilitates and measures what research tells us is one of the most important objectives of the much broader "family engagement" strategy -- the ability of the teacher and the parent to collaborate and coordinate on specific, consistent plans for student learning.

OPUS helps administrators enable those partnerships and quantify their effect – all within one platform that overlays your existing systems and, for the first time, solicits insights from home about parent expectations, goal-setting, and monitoring of the activities that foster improved student performance.

TEAM on a tablet

OPUS gives Administrators:

  • Patented technology that translates data from the various student information systems into easy-to-understand information that parents can access on any device.

  • A school-owned messaging system between parents and teachers designed to give  transparency to those communications, allowing administrators to identify and manage potential issues with parents, students, and teachers before they become problems.

  • Full insight into key activities that support the partnerships such as the timely posting of grades into the gradebook, completion of upcoming lesson plans, and unread messages to teachers that exceed the school’s timeframe for response.

  • Data and analytics never previously available that offer quantifiable evidence as to which teachers and which parents are engaged and the extent of this engagement. This enables a much better understanding of the ways in which parent engagement impacts student success.

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To learn more and explore the possibilities of how we can advance and quantify school-family partnerships: